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Advertise with SPJ

SPJ offers the opportunity to combine the power of editorial and online advertising via Quill magazine, SPJ’s websites and e-newsletters. Through these channels, readers are ready for your captivating ad creative and compelling sales message. You can choose from frequencies of one week to one month or more. The rates are affordable and cost-efficient. Discounts are available for multiple ads. View our media kit [PDF] with all advertising options.

View our media kit [PDF] with all advertising options.
Download the Advertising Purchase Order Form [Fillable PDF]

Quill Magazine

For a complete list of advertising options for Quill and other SPJ-related publications and seminars, view the Media Kit [PDF] or contact Jennifer Royer via email.

Web Site advertising
(monthly rotation)

Advertising on SPJ’s website, Quill online and Ethics Central provides exposure to a professional group of media and opinion leaders, as well as decision makers. With a simple click on your logo or graphic, visitors are sent instantly to your website.




unit width x height

per month


160 x 600 pixels


Medium Rectangle

300 x 300 pixels


Anchor Banner

520 x 90 pixels


Small Rectangle

195 x 195 pixels



Quill Online (quillmag.com)


unit width x height

per month


160 x 600 pixels


Small Rectangle

195 x 195 pixels



Ethics Central (ethicscentral.org)


unit width x height

per month

Anchor Banner

520 x 90 pixels




10% off when you place an ad on spj.org AND quillmag.com or ethicscentral.org, 15% off when you place an ad on all three sites.


Specifications for online advertising:

See pixel size next to unit. Banner ads can be static or standard animated GIF or JPEG at the above dimensions. All GIFs should be designed at 72 dpi and be kept under 10k in size. Materials are due one week prior to the month your ad will run. Ad must be sent as it will appear.


Email Newsletter

eNewsletters are a cost effective advertising opportunity, useful in reaching a targeted audience. This has become one of the preeminent ways to market products or services on line. Take advantage of our ability to deliver advertising messages directly to our members’ inbox.


unit width x height

per ad

SPJ Leads (Weekly) Banner

600 x 90 pixels


Job Post in Leads (Weekly)



The Advocate (Monthly) Banner

600 x 90 pixels



Leads, published every Wednesday, is sent to all SPJ members including professional journalists, journalism educators, journalism students, recent graduates and retired industry professionals.

Are you hiring? Leads is the perfect place to advertise. Reach a segmented portion of SPJ members - professionals or students and post-grads - by including a written blurb about your job opening.

The Advocate, published the first Friday of the month, is sent to SPJ associate members, SPJ donors and friends of the Society.

eNewsletter Discounts: 5% off on Leads and The Advocate ad or Leads ad and job post, 10% on four ads or job posts, 20% on eight ads or job posts.

For additional sizes, inserts and other advertising opportunities, contact Jennifer Royer via email.

View our media kit [PDF] with all advertising options.
Download the Advertising Purchase Order Form [Fillable PDF]

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