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Deadlines for annual reports, award nominations nearing


Many deadlines are quickly approaching for SPJ’s annual programs, including chapter reports and national SPJ awards programs.

Chapter annual reports
SPJ Bylaws require that each chapter submit an annual report to national headquarters. In the report, each chapter reviews its year’s activities/accomplishments and details its completion of minimum requirements. Submitting a complete annual report by the deadline allows chapters to remain in good standing with national headquarters and permits them to send delegates to vote at the national convention.

Deadlines for those reports are May 15 for student chapters and June 3 for professional chapters.

Annual report forms can be downloaded on SPJ’s Web site at: www.spj.org/leaders _annual.asp. Chapter leaders who have questions or concerns about their annual reports should contact SPJ Membership Manager Lynn Nerz at lnerz@spj.org or 317/927-8000.

Deadlines for awards nominations
June 1 is the nomination deadline for four of the Society’s annual awards that are presented at the SPJ National Convention.

The awards are:
-– SPJ Fellows
– SPJ First Amendment Award
– SPJ Sunshine Awards
– SPJ Ethics in Journalism Award

More information on these awards can be found online at www.spj.org/awards_all.asp.
For questions about the awards and the nomination process, contact SPJ Awards Coordinator Bobby Deckard at bdeckard@spj.org or 317/927-8000.

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