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SPJ Foundation Freelance Fund establishes pilot mini-grant program


Stacie Overton Johnson, SPJ Freelance Community Chair, stacieovertonjohnson@gmail.com
Kim Tsuyuki, SPJ Communications Specialist, ktsuyuki@hq.spj.org

INDIANAPOLIS – The SPJ Foundation Freelance Fund has established “Mini-Grants for SPJ Freelancers” to support SPJ members seeking to engage in professional activities that advance their careers as independent journalists.

Grants of up to $500 will be awarded to selected SPJ members seeking to improve their skills and ability to succeed as freelancers.

“With this mini-grants program, we're addressing the financial challenges freelance journalists often encounter, giving them the support they need to keep their focus on creating impactful stories,” said SPJ Freelance Community Chair Stacie Overton Johnson. “By reducing the stress and worry of covering expenses, these mini grants will have meaningful impact for journalists who are out there doing the work on their own.”

SPJ Foundation President Hagit Limor said the Foundation is proud to continue to support SPJ’s freelance members. “In today’s rapidly evolving industry, these grants offer essential resources for independent journalists who are on the front lines of reporting and storytelling,” Limor said.

The grants may be used for:
• freelance- and journalism-related skills training and workshop registration or tuition fees;
• travel assistance to attend skills training, workshops and conferences; and
• entry fees for contests and prize competitions to showcase work produced on a freelance basis.

Grant funds are not to be used for equipment, subscriptions or other operating expenses of the freelancer’s business, or for expenses related to a specific assignment or client project.

“Journalism thrives on diverse voices and perspectives,” said SPJ Foundation Vice President Evelyn Hsu. “With our large and vibrant freelance community at the heart of this new program, we are committed to empowering our members with the resources they need to continue their vital work.”

The funding cycle for this pilot program will close on Dec. 15, or when all funds set aside for it have been allocated. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.

The Society of Professional Journalists Foundation is a public foundation dedicated to ensuring that those who carry on the tradition of a free press are prepared for the challenge. The SPJ Foundation supports educational and professional needs of journalists and journalism students. Support excellent journalism and fight for your right to know. Give to the SPJ Foundation.

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