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Your right to know  •  March 10-16, 2024

Writing about FOI

If you are writing a news story or editorial about freedom of information for Sunshine Week or any other time, we have some ideas to help your writing and presentations resonate with readers and viewers.

Tips for hitting home

Here are some tips for making FOI relevant to citizens and going beyond the typical “journalist vs. government” story:

— Tell people where the information came from. Tell them what records are available and provide information to let them know how they can get the information themselves.
— Acquire copies of the documents and post them online so people can see the information for themselves.
— Figure out what citizens are affected by the secrecy and talk to them. Humanize the story. Make it real.
— Find allies who would support open records, such as Realtors, companies, contractors, genealogists, librarians, neighborhood activists and even public officials who want the information.
— Research has shown that citizens are supportive of FOI when it has a public purpose. If that public value is not apparent, then citizens often oppose journalists’ access to the records and it can lead to backlash. Make it clear why the information is important to the public.
— Quote access experts (see below) to provide views contrary to what the government officials say. Maybe you can’t call secret officials on the carpet, but access advocates can.
— Citizens are most opposed to journalists’ accessing privacy-oriented records, such as divorce files, concealed weapons permits and government salary information. They are most supportive of access to public safety records, such as criminal documents and dangers in the community.
— Avoid publishing documents or data just because you have them. Make sure there is a public purpose or citizens will rebel and call for their closure, particularly if there is a privacy issue involved. For example, requesting student directory home address information of all students in your local public schools (to reach parents in case of a school shooting), or posting online the addresses of people who have concealed weapons will likely result in public cries of privacy invasion.

Compare your laws to other states

Often officials propose or defend access laws they claim are the best in the nation. Or someone will claim a state is more secret than other states. Don’t take their word for it — compare. Two sites provide the opportunity to give context and perspective. You can go to the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Open Government Guide and compare how different states handle a particular open-records or meetings issue.

Quote FOI experts

Need someone to quote on deadline who can speak to the importance of FOI? Check out these expert sources who are more than happy to provide their perspectives and speak up for open government.

Click here to contact the Project Sunshine Chair in your state.

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